
plant vs whey protein

Modern consumer protein powders and supplements may have started with bodybuilders as far back as the 1950s. In the last 25 years, they have become mainstream products used by a wide range of people for an equally large range of reasons.  One big question that someone who is looking for a protein powder has to ask themselves is:  Do I go with a whey protein or do I choose a plant-based protein?

Whey became the most popular consumer protein supplement in part because it is a waste by-product from making cheese, which makes it cheap to produce.  The liquid that remains after milk has been curdled and strained in cheese-making, whey protein is a mix of globular proteins, widely advertised as an affordable, complete protein.  A “complete” protein is any protein that provides all nine of the amino acids that the human body needs and cannot produce itself (known as “essential” amino acids).  Because whey starts as a milk product, people with dairy sensitivities or allergies are likely to have problems digesting the protein, and digestive difficulty is also common in people without dairy allergies.  By digestive difficulty, we mean flatulence, diarrhea, and bloating, which are obviously not ideal.  Also worth considering are the other aspects of the dairy industry that produces whey protein, including use of hormones and medication in cows to maximize milk production, and the ecological impact of dairy farming.  Consumers should understand the manufacturing process to ensure that the product they are purchasing is reflective of their values.

People are becoming increasingly aware of the sources of their foods and supplements, therefore plant-based protein supplements have been increasingly popular over the last few years.  There are many varieties of plant options available – soy, pea, brown rice, and hemp, to name a few.  As soy is a common allergen, this protein source is used but is quickly being replaced by other options.  Plant-based proteins are generally much easier to digest compared to whey and they are usually a better option for people with sensitive stomachs.  There are many potential sources of plant protein, but any single-source plant protein is not a complete protein.

To address this need, PROFI has developed a proprietary blend of plant protein sources that is a complete protein in one serving!  PROFI’s blend is soy-free and does not use GMO sources to ensure that PROFI is as clean a protein source as possible!                 plant vs whey protein

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